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Ashleigh C of E Primary School

Learning To Love; Loving To Learn
-Life In All Its Fullness

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Who's Who

Leadership Team


Head Teacher:  Mrs Harvey (Safeguarding Lead)


SENDCo:  Mrs Parris (Deputy Safeguarding Lead)


Early Years and Key Stage 1 Leader:  Miss Dawe


Key Stage 2 Leader:  Miss McKeague



Early Years and Key Stage 1 Team

Miss Dawe.mp4

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Teachers: Miss Dawe, Mrs Welch, Miss Dicken, Mr Day, Miss Bloom, Ms Jones

Cover Supervisor: Mrs Maling

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Rippon, Miss Gamble, Mrs Lowe, Mrs Fellows, Mrs Burgon, Ms Lyons




 Key Stage 2 Team

Teachers: Miss McKeague, Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Robertson, Mrs Francis, Mr Day

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Steer, Miss Wilson, Miss Bull, Mrs Fellows, Miss Perry, Ms Lyons




Curriculum Leaders


Miss L Bloom (English) 


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Mrs Mitchell (Maths)


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Mrs L Welch (Wider Curriculum)

Wider Curriculum.mp4

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Christian Distinctiveness

Ethos Lead:  Rebecca Francis


Enrichment Team


Specialist PE Teacher: Mr Day

Forest School Lead: Miss White





SENDCo: Mrs Parris

Pastoral and Mental Health Support: Miss Dorbin



Office and Administrative Team


Lead Administrator: Mrs Greenslade

Admin Assistant:  Mrs Standen



Mealtime Assistants

Mrs Breach, Miss Stockton



Premises Team


Caretaker: Mr O'Nyons

Cleaners:  Ms Templeton, Mr Martin



Catering Team


Kitchen Manager: Mr Rackley

Kitchen Assistants:  Mrs McManus, Mr Griffin


