Welcome to Ashleigh Church of England Primary School
A warm welcome to our website, a gateway into the daily life of Ashleigh Church of England Primary School. We hope that this site gives you a flavour of Ashleigh, together with some key information and documents that you will find useful as a current or prospective parent.
Ashleigh is proud to offer an excellent education for all within a framework of our core values and ethos; put simply, we want our children to grow up to become confident, loving and responsible citizens. Our vision statement encapsulates everything about us: 'Learning to Love; Loving to Learn - Life in all its Fullness'.
All Church of England schools have regular inspections in addition to Ofsted. These review the ethos of the school and how this ethos impacts upon the children. We are very proud of the outcomes of our recent SIAMs inspection which identified that 'Ashleigh primary school is a shining example of Christian love and care in action' and 'The exemplary work in improving pupil well-being has brought security, joy and rapidly improving social, moral, cultural and spiritual (SMSC) development'.
Like any school website, the information on these pages can only give you a glimpse into how our school works. The best way to get to know us is to come and visit and to see our wonderful children; they would be happy to show you round and give you their perspective on their school. Our recent newsletters also have details of recent and future events and give you a flavour of Ashleigh life. We look forward to meeting you soon.
Kind regards,
A Lavictoire, Head Teacher