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Ashleigh C of E Primary School

Learning To Love; Loving To Learn
-Life In All Its Fullness

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Parents, Teachers and Friends Association



Hopefully this will answer some questions you may have about Parents Teachers Friends Association (PTFA) and we hope you can support us as your child progresses up through school.


What is PTFA all about?

This hardworking and fun loving group of parents, teachers and friends of the school meet regularly to organise social and fundraising activities for us.


Annual events include our super Summer Fair and school discos and we are always looking for ideas for new things for our children to enjoy.


Run by volunteers, including the school staff and parents, whose aim is to raise money for the benefit of the pupils of Ashleigh Primary School.

How do I become a member of PTFA?
The good news is that as a parent or carer of a pupil who attends Ashleigh Primary School you can become a member.

How are funds raised?
We hold a number of events throughout the year including school discos, a summer fair, jumble sales, coffee mornings, cake sales etc.

What are the funds spent on?
A wide variety of resources, play equipment and subsidising school trips.

Is the PTFA only involved in fundraising?
No. We are also asked to support a number of events which are organised by the school such as serving refreshments at school plays and sports events, parents evenings and open evenings.


How can I become involved with the PTFA?
Everyone is welcome to come along to any of the Friends meetings. These are usually held about every 5 weeks from 3:30 to 4:30pm.

Children are more than welcome.

I cannot commit to attending the meetings but would still like to be involved.
In the past it has been difficult to plan events, as we are never sure how many people will be available to help.  Send an email to registering your interest.


What kind of help could I give?
We need a wide range of help. There is usually something to suit everybody but the main areas are: -

«  Planning, advertising and organising events (usually discussed at Friends meetings)

«  Setting up events – setting up stalls, shopping for refreshments, prizes etc

«  Running events – running a stall, serving refreshments

«  Clearing away after events


How will I be able to help as I work during the day?
We need a range of helpers who are available at different times of the day either before school, during the school day, immediately after school, or in the evenings. It is a great way for those parents who aren’t available to help during the day to become involved in the school.

What if I register as a helper and find I have other commitments when I am asked to help at an event?
Friends would contact volunteers in advance of any event to make sure they were available and willing to help. We understand that everyone has other commitments.

How many times would I be asked to help?
The more helpers who have registered interest, the fewer occasions each volunteer will be asked to help.

P.T.F.A Committee:

Co Chair            Heidi Springett & Gene Farrell-Roberts

Treasurer           Heidi Springett & Gemma Maynard

Secretary           Lisa Mackenzie & Gemma Maynard

School Liaison   Verity White

We are hoping to bring more funds and resources back into the school and we need your help to do it.


We would like to know people’s opinion on what day would be best to hold a summer fayre – Wednesday or Saturday?



Are you a face painter? Do you own a business? Get in touch with us, we would love to hear from you.

Do you have any ideas on how to help us?  Please let us know! 

